Fat experiences

Almost embarrassing moment...

Was it a much older building? Seems like almost everything was built narrower then.
5 years

Almost embarrassing moment...

So today I had a moment where I really had to use the restroom...I took a normal stall because I hate using the handicap stall Incase someone in a wheelchair comes in. I literally had to shimmy my pants down and when I sat down I felt overly snug and instantly a little panicked... my thighs are pressed up to the TP dispenser and the little trash can on the other side... and my arms touched either side of the stall... there�s no way I can wipe... so I thought go for it... get up and move stalls... I prayed no one would come in and as quickly as I could shimmied out
Of the stall with my pants at my knees and Wobbled to the handicap stall... alas! Room to sit and move and freakin wipe! Lol and literally 30 seconds later someone came in and went to the stall I just left... phew!! That was close... haha

If I close my eyes and envision the ample beauty, I smile at what can be imagined. You are awesome.
5 years

Almost embarrassing moment...

One reason the stalls are smaller, is because they have to have a large handicap stall, but are not making rest rooms any bigger. (And if they retrofit an existing bathroom, they have to take space from the other stalls for the large handicap one.)
5 years

Almost embarrassing moment...

This happened to me last month. I was at the store and needed to use the restroom. I didn't want to use the handicap stall because I'm not handicapped and I didn't want to occupy it if someone else truly needed it.

As it turns out, I do need the handicap stall. It had been a very long time since I had used a public restroom. As I entered the regular stall, I couldn't believe how large I was, and how difficult it was to maneuver. I won't be making that mistake again.
3 years